TV hunk Will Best reckons we’d all sleep with Harry Styles given the chance…would we?
Probably yes. But that’s beside the point.
Whilst talking about One Direction’s upcoming movie premiere for ‘This Is Us’, it seems that the conversation got a little out of hand.
Aswell as discussing his excitement about presenting at the event, Will also spoke about One Direction’s sex life. As you do. Mostly Harry Styles actually.
He admitted that he actually wouldn’t be able to be in One Direction, as it would clearly be too much for him to handle.
Will said to Yahoo OMG: “If I was in One Direction I would be terribly badly behaved”
Oh come on, you wouldn’t! The boys are angels! When they want to be…
He added that he would be a little sex-obsessed if he was the 6th member of the band: “I would probably develop quite a severe sex addiction.”
Well, that’s…interesting.
During the interview, Will also said something that everyone pretty much knows already : “Every girl I know would sleep with Harry Styles. Come on, you would!”
Bravo, Best. You know us girls well.
And who was it that said men could never understand the female mind? Pfftt.
As they got onto the bit that they were actually meant to be discussing in the interview (the ‘This Is Us’ movie premiere) Will expressed his over excitement: “On a scale of one to ‘I may have a little accident,’ I am definitely going to have an accident”
Well, that wouldn’t be the best thing to do really would it.
This has presented us with an interesting question though, would you sleep with Harry Styles?
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