Liam Payne Confirms New Girlfriend Sophia Smith




At the weekend, we reported that Liam Payne was rumoured to be dating school friend Sophia Smith, and now it’s definitely confirmed.

So, it seems like Liam Payne has well and truly got over his ex girlfriend Danielle Peazer, as he wasn’t afraid to admit that he’s moved on.

During One Direction’s press conference for ‘This Is Us’ on Monday, Liam was questioned about the rumoured relationship, and confirmed that it was true.

When asked ’You’ve got a girlfriend?‘ Liam responded ‘Yep it’s new’.

So, as far as confirming a relationship goes, we’d say that’s pretty concrete.

Keen to show off his gorgeous girlfriend, Liam pointed her out when he was further questioned by Yahoo.

They asked him: ‘What’s this about you having a new girlfriend?’ to which he pointed at her, saying: ‘Yes yes I do. She’s sitting right over there. It’s not been long.’

So, there you have it. Liam Payne DOES have a new girlfriend. And she’s pretty damn hot, too!

Speaking about the couple, a source said: ‘She’s a sweet normal girl who likes Liam for who he is, not because he’s in the most famous boyband in the world.’

We think they make a lovely couple, and we’re just glad that Liam’s happy :D
So, with Liam and Niall’s brand new relationships… this makes Harry the only singleton :O


Will Harry get a new girl anytime soon?


What do you all think of Sophia?


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  1. eu não gosto dela é a garota que rejeitou ele 22 vezes :(

  2. nope not true he is getting married to harry this weekend
