A brand new One Direction song has been leaked and is now spreading around the internet like wildfire.
The song is called “Just Cant Let Her Go” and was leaked late last night by a mystery source, which has now been revealed as 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!
Yep, it seems that 5SOS had a hand in leaking the song, as you can see from the tweets below…
It’s not been confirmed whether the song is actually One Direction, but listen to the video below and it does sound just like them. And the fact that 5SOS had something to do with it sorta confirms it is indeed 1D.
The new album isn’t out until later this year, most probably November, so it’s not clear if the song will be included or not. It could well be a recording of an older song we’ve not heard, a demo, or possibly a track to be used as a future B-side.
However, it’s pretty damn catchy isn’t it!
Here’s another link in case the first one gets taken down. No doubt the vids will soon be removed once word of the leak spreads, but you’ll probably be able to hear other copies on YouTube, Tumblr or Soundcloud.
Listening carefully to the song you can hear it’s the same 30 seconds or so which is repeated, so it’s not a full 3 or 4 minutes tune. You can clearly hear Harry Styles in one part, with his raspy tones sound particularly delicious.
1D are a band which have always struggled with leaks, and we can recall that nearly all of their last 3-4 singles as well as half of ‘Take Me Home’ hit the internet before their official release.
Their latest single ‘Best Song Ever’ was revealed a day or so before it’s proper release, and before that a Harry Styles demo track called ‘Don’t Le Me Go’ was outed on YouTube.
With the movie landing in only 2 weeks time though, this will only serve to drive up even more 1D fever.
What do you think of the new song?
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