Later this month, we have THE event of the year.
I am of course talking abuout the release of One DIrection’s very own 3D movie ‘This Is Us’
We’re so excited we can’t sleep at night.
Anyway, before the release of the film, is the premiere in London.
A chance to see the boys in the flesh as they walk the red carpet.
You might even get to touch Hazza’s famous curls.
But don’t think about camping, at least with a tent anyway, the silly people at Wesminister Council don’t want Directioners to do it.
A council big wig told Sugarscape: “Obviously we’re anticipating that some people might want to camp out the night before and sleep out in the street and there will be people to deal with this if it arises.”
Seriously, you think Directioners will only want to camp for one day before the premiere? Have you not done your research?
We’d be surprised if some directioners didn’t start camping a week before the big day.
Anyway, the council big wig didn’t finish there, he carried on: “It’s not encouraged and no tents or obstructions will be permitted. We can’t stop people from standing around, but tents aren’t permitted.
“Somebody will be down there – officers and police will probably get involved as well. It’s One Direction, if my daughter had a chance she’d probably be there.”
At least your daughter has taste mister!!
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