Harry Styles tattoos and nipples

We were beginning to wonder if Harry and the rest of the boys realised that tattoos were permanent and didn’t wash off over time.
The boys have had a ridiculous amount of tattoo’s over the past few months, and it seems every week we are writing a new story about a new tattoo.
Some of them look really good, but others are just plain weird and a bit naff.
Harry himself has now admitted that he doesn’t like some of his tattoos and even called them crap.
He told We Love Pop’ magazine: “I regret this one on my wrist here [pointing to that little padlock thingamajig Ed Sheeran scribbled]. I regret this. I mean, these are just crap. There are some that my friends have done and some that are just awful.”
It is his body and he can do what he wants with it of course, but maybe he’ll learn to be a bit more choosy about what tatts he has in future.
And to not let any of his mates near him with the ink, that is bound to end badly.

What do you think of Harry’s tattoos? Do you agree with him that some are rubbish?

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