The rumours have been circulating all day.
Perrie was spotted at the ‘This Is Us premiere last night with a mahoosive rock on her ring finger, sparking engagement rumours galore.
But we can now report that IT IS TRUE!
Perrie’s mum Debbie spoke to Real Radio North East this morning to confirm the rumours.
She said: “Yes it is, it’s true. They got engaged on Sunday and it was absolutely lovely.
“It’s wonderful because Zayn’s absolutely gorgeous and Perrie loves him to pieces and it’s just perfect! They just get on so well together and they understand each other so it’s just fabulous!”
The pair got engaged on Sunday as it was one of the first weekends they had spent together in a long while.
Debbie also revealed that Zayn did the super cute tradition of asking her permission to marry Perrie as well as asking his own parents.
We think we love him even more now!
Also if that wasn’t enough, Perrie’s brother Jonnie confirmed it on twitter this afternoon as well:“Right, My sister and Zayn ARE Engaged! It’s true! You seen the ring on the finger and all that Jazz! CONGRATS!!!”
Here is the three part interview where the engagement was confirmed!
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