Earlier this week we told you the exciting news that there was going to be a documentary about all you Directioners.
Now we have the trailer!
Unfortunately the programme is being shown on UK Channel 4 next Thursday at 10pm, but hopefully *fingers crossed* they or someone else will upload the whole documentary so that everyone else can see it too.
Anyway back to the trailer.
One girl says in it: “I’m part of a fandom that could kill you if they wanted.” and “Directioners are fiercely loyal and not to be crossed.” Yep take note Jake Bugg and co, slag off One Direction and we will find you!
The narrator also says: “Some will go to extreme lengths to get noticed by the boys.” We know that too! Directioners can find out everything.
We like to think we know everything about Directioners, but I’m sure this documentary could show us stuff that even we didn’t know.
We’ll give you the full lowdown on the documentary on Friday morning for those of you not in the UK while you wait to see it.
Check out the trailer HERE!
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