Zayn Malik Gets His Lesbian Thang On #BestSongEver #GeorgiaRose

Zayn Malik turns into a girl for the 'Best Song Ever' video

Who’s this lovely lady then?

1DHQ sent the following message yesterday:

“It’s time..for another… IMAGE REVEAL! Who recognises this very attractive lady…? Get online at 6pm for another trailer!!! 1DHQ x”

Yep, that’s right it’s none other than ZAYN MALIK!

Twitter started going a little crazy when the pics first hit, with #LesbianForZayn hitting the top spot
in the worldwide trending topics.

We can’t get over how funny (and slightly disturbing) he looks in the pics below…

Zayn Malik turns into a girl for the 'Best Song Ever' video
Zayn Malik turns into a girl for the 'Best Song Ever' video

Harry is the lucky guy in the pic below. Would you say no to Mrs Malik?

Zayn Malik turns into a girl for the 'Best Song Ever' video

The full song was released yesterday, complete with the latest teaser trailer starring Louis as “Jonny The Studio Exec”.

Oh man we think we’re gonna literally die laughing when the video hits YouTube on Monday

Get it trending!

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