Oh No! Our Poor Niall Horan Is Ill!

Poor Niall is ill!


On Wednesday he tweeted: “I apologise now to anyone comin t Denver show! Throat is all over the place!”

However, the show seemed to go well, because he later tweeted: “Had fun in Denver tonight! Was a great show! Thanks alot”

His problems didn’t end there though… The next morning he posted: “Woke up at 6am! Can’t get back t sleep! It’s sh*t being sick isn’t it?”

It seems he still can’t sleep because he then went on to post an Instagram photo, saying: “Gave up on that whole sleeping thing wasnt happening! Resorted to sortin my life out! #lifeinasuitcase”


Although Niall’s ill, he’s got loads of reasons to be happy! “Best Song Ever” is rocketing up the charts all over the world, and One Direction have just broken the Vevo 24 hours video record!
And the cutest reason for Niall to be happy? His new baby nephew Theo!  We all saw the heart melting picture of new Uncle Niall with the baby a few weeks ago, but now he’s posted another one! He tweeted: “Remember this little fella! Theo Horan ladies and gents!”


Is that not one of the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen?

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